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Our Top 10 Favorite Loki Variants (Contains Spoilers)

Our Top 10 Favorite Loki Variants (Contains Spoilers)
Natasha Johnson
Writer and expert3 years ago
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The God of Mischief takes many forms. With the release of Loki’s Disney+ series, Marvel have introduced a plethora of Loki Variants, from Classic Loki to Alligator Loki. We decided to compile our Top 10 favorite Loki Variants! This contains spoilers from episodes 1 to 5.

10. Frost Giant Loki

Marvel Loki

We all know that Loki was abandoned by his biological father Laufey, who was a Frost Giant. Frost Giants are known for having blue skin and red eyes. When Odin found Loki as a baby, he cast a spell change his skin colour to hide his true heritage. We are still baffled as to why Loki’s skin doesn’t change colour when Odin passed away in Thor: Ragnarok, maybe Loki keeps up the illusion? Sometimes it’s best not to question Marvel’s continuity – it’s a recipe for a rather large headache!! Regardless, maybe the Loki we see in Episode 1 never had the spell cast on him and is living his true blue self?  

9. Hulk Loki

Marvel Loki

If you have watched the first Avengers film, you know how Loki feels about Hulk. Loki has always had a lust for power, perhaps in some timeline he wanted the strength of Hulk? This Variant has a golden yellow skin and his horns appear to be growing out of him. We wanted to put this Variant on the list, purely because of how ridiculous he looks! Judging by Loki’s expression, he feels the same way..  

 8. Lady Loki (Comics)

Marvel Loki

Lady Loki has a rather confusing backstory, so sit tight. She was first introduced in 2008 in Marvel Thor Volume 3 Issue 5 – named “Special Delivery”. After the events of Ragnarok, Loki is reborn into the body of a woman – this body was originally meant for Sif who had been trapped in the body of an old woman (long story). With the release of the novel “Loki: Where Mischief Lies” by Mackenzi Lee, Loki being Gender Fluid has become Canon – so hopefully we will see more of Lady Loki!  

7. Boastful Loki

Marvel Loki

Known only as ‘Boastful Loki’ in the credits of Episode 4, this Variant seems to act similarly to Thor. He wields a gold (very much Loki’s taste!) plated hammer, clearly inspired by Thor’s hammer Mjolnir. Could this variant have replaced Thor in his timeline, or just made in in honor of his brother? In Episode 5, Boastful Loki claims after he vanquished Captain America and Iron Man, he claimed his prize of all six Infinity Stones – Although no one believes him. Even though Boastful Loki betrays the rest of the Loki variants (are we surprised?) we think he’s one of the more unique Loki Variants!  

6. President Loki

Marvel Loki

This variant appeared in the majority of the Loki Disney+ trailers, don’t know about you but we thought our Loki would have gone rogue and tried to run for president like in 2016’s Vote Loki comic series! President Loki only makes a quick appearance in Episode 5, starting a fight with the other variants – consequently getting his hand bitten off by Alligator Loki. In our opinion this President Loki variant didn’t get enough screen time!  

 5. Kid Loki

Marvel Loki

Every Loki Variant we see in The Void has triggered a Nexus Event, all for different reasons. It was revealed in Episode 5 of Loki, that Kid Loki’s Nexus Event was that he killed Thor in his timeline! We don’t know his reasoning behind this, but he is well respected by the other Loki Variants. Just be careful of his Alligator Loki sidekick, you may lose your hand!  

4. Alligator Loki

Marvel Loki

Why does an alligator Loki exist, you ask? We have no idea – but we aren’t questioning it! The fact that there is no comic book equivalent to him makes him that bit more ridiculous. Classic Loki says this reptilian variant is a Loki because he’s green, which makes perfect sense.. Something we have learned about this series is that Loki's make NO sense! Alligator Loki does hold his own in a fight though, such as biting President Loki’s hand off!  

3. Classic Loki

Marvel Loki

The story of Classic Loki is similar the rest of the Loki's, apart from when it came to the moment Thanos attacks the Asgardian ship. Rather than trying to stab Thanos, consequently dying, he instead used his sorcery powers to conjure a an illusion of himself. Basically faking his own death. The reason for Classic Loki being so high on our list is for his heroic sacrifice in episode 5, where he conjured an illusion of the entire city of Asgard to distract Alioth. If it wasn’t for Classic Loki coming back to help, the others wouldn’t have survived!  

2. Sylvie

Marvel Loki

Sylvie’s backstory is a rather sad one, as a child she triggered some sort of Nexus Event and was taken away from her family. What the Nexus Event was, we have not found out. There are theories it’s because of her effect on TVA Loki by making him more empathetic – something the TVA doesn’t want Loki's to be? Just before she gets taken away, you see her in episode 4 playing with her toys recreating a Valkyrie swooping in to save Asgard. The fact she is an example that a Loki can be more than a villain, makes us love her even more!  

1. TVA Loki

Marvel Loki

After the events of Avengers: Infinity War, the whole Marvel community mourned the loss of Loki. This Loki went through an amazing character arc through the years. He reconciled with his father Odin, his brother Thor and even saved the people of Asgard from Ragnarok! We all know the events of Avengers: Endgame, The Avengers messed up and Loki was able to escape his capture using the Tesseract. Fans were disappointed that this Loki in the Disney+ series was not the same Loki in Infinity War – the one with all the wonderful character development. As the series has played out this Loki, we call TVA Loki, has had a wonderful character arc. From lying and manipulating, to realising he is more than the “stories told to scare children”. He is also incredibly important for representation, TVA Loki is the first openly LGBTQ+ character in the MCU (not including the comics!). He was revealed to be Bisexual in Episode 4 in a conversation with Sylvie. As well as being confirmed as gender fluid in his TVA files.  

As someone who is a huge fan of the Trickster, I have dedicated a lot of my spare time into consuming all media related to him. Comics, books and an embarrassing amount of merch! If you want to shout about how much you adore our favorite God of Mischief – check out our

VeryNeko Loki merch


Let us know who your favorite Loki Variant is…

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Natasha Johnson
Writer and expert
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